The Carousel by Bill Wolding

Formation: sicilian circle

Music: 32 bar tunes

The original dance by Bill Wolding:

A1. Dosido your opposite (8 beats); dosido your partner (8)

A2. Circles of 4: balance in and out twice (8); circle left (8)

B1. Circles of 4: balance in and out twice (8); circle right (8)

B2. Link elbow with your partner: balance forward and back once (4); then left side dancers also link elbows to form a line: swing the line around (12) – release elbows to face the next couple

My adapted version of the dance (preferably danced to jigs):

A1. Circles of 4: balance in and out twice (8); circle left (8)

A2. Circles of 4: balance in and out twice (8); circle right (8)

B1. 1st corners dosido (8); 2nd corners dosido (8)

B2. 2nd corners hold left hand, with right hand round their partner’s waist to make a line of 4: spin the line around once-and-a-bit to move forwards to a new set (16). There might be time for an extra spin with your partner before the dance starts again.

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